Mission & Outreach

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Mission & Outreach

We respond to God’s call to partner in the work of making this world a more just and loving place locally and globally.

The people of Federated organize resources and initiate responses to needs as they arise in our local community and around the world, and on an ongoing basis through:

The Food Pantry housed in our church and staffed by church members and community volunteers, is open three days a week and offers a welcoming environment for people to shop for their basic home needs. For more information:

The Kidz Cupboard, housed in our Community House on Main Street, is open to youth ages two through seventeen who are food insecure. Totes are prepared with breakfast, lunch and snack items for the weekend. For more information:

The Senior Program offers a once a month delivery of non-perishable and fresh items requested by those who participate. For more information:

The All Community Meal, free of charge, is prepared and served in our Community House the first Tuesday of each month — offering food for body and spirit. Throughout the year local organization join with Federated to cook and serve this meal. For more information: office@federatedchurchmarlborough.org

Dress-A-Girl-Around-The-World is a faith based world wide project that gathers members of our congregation together in sewing circles. The dresses are shipped overseas to those in need of clothing with the message that as girls they are seen, respected and worthy of the extravagant love of God. (dressagirlaroundtheworld.com)

We advocate for change.

Through education and local action our Green Team honors our oneness with creation. The Green Team has been in existence since 2009. From the beginning the focus was on the physical plant as well as behavioral changes both at church and at home. More recently we have looked at bigger projects such as putting solar panels on the roof and divesting some of our trust funds from fossil fuels. We have also increasingly turned to advocacy at the community, state, and national level for policies that will mitigate the effects of climate change.

We make public our 2016 Open and Affirming covenant by welcoming into the full life of our church persons of all sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions and through our community engagement.

We Welcome the Stranger understanding our call to participate in God’s dream. We strive to educate ourselves on issues of immigration and through local organizations like Project Home we share our resources with those who are resettling in our area and those seeking asylum.

Through special financial collections we support the work of the wider church in global partnerships to address injustices and support interfaith relationships.